The Best And Worst Bedroom Colours For Sleep


November 29, 2023

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Wondering about the best bedroom colours for sleep?

Colours aren't just about aesthetics; they play a huge role in our lives, reflecting our moods and personalities. We all have our go-to colours that relax and soothe us, making us feel happy in a way no other colour can. But did you know that the colours in your bedroom can significantly impact your sleep quality?

It's true – the psychology of colours is a big deal when it comes to catching those Zs. Studies show that certain colours can influence our behaviour and decisions, including how well we sleep. So, what colours to help you sleep should you consider, and which are the worst bedroom colours that might be messing with your slumber? And have you ever thought about what colours make you sleepy?

In this article, we're diving into the world of best colours for sleeping and those you might want to avoid in your bedroom. Let's find out how these colours affect your sleep and which ones could help you drift off to dreamland easier.

Best bedroom colours for sleep


The blue colour is hands down, the best suitable colour for your bedroom. Psychologically, the blue colour represents a sense of calmness and relaxation of the mind. A bedroom is where you rest and go to sleep, so you will need a colour that radiates stability and peace to provide the perfect atmosphere. 

Not only that, the chemicals in the brain react most to the colour blue. The brain reacts and sends signals in the body to produce a hormone called Melatonin..

Melatonin is the hormone in your body that helps you relieve stress and influence your sleep. Upon seeing the colour blue, the brain produces Melatonin, making you feel sleepy in the process.

To choose from the colour scheme, light blue is the best shade. Even most of the rooms in hotels are blue because they believe guests sleep much better in an environment surrounded by blue.


Next to blue is the yellow colour. Yellow is the most popular muted colour. It represents the sun that gives us warmth and light. It also provides a soothing effect and boosts your energy. Using yellow in the bedroom also promotes a sense of cheerfulness and laughter. 

If you intend to use yellow in your room, try to use a lighter tone similar to light blue. Usually, lighter shades bring neutrality that does not distract you from your sleep.


The colour green is also a good option for your bedroom. As well as representing nature, it also gives you a sense of tranquillity and peace. Like blue, green is also a neutral and non-stimulating colour. Green and blue are natural colours that make you feel connected to the Earth or nature..

For choosing the shade, sage green is a good option because it looks organic. Since ancient times, people have believed sage green to be a lucky colour. So, why not bring a little bit of luck to your room and for your sleep?

Read also: Best plants for the bedroom to help sleep.


The colour orange, like the fruit, is fresh to look at. It also radiates a robust emotional presence. Sometimes, it is not only the colours that will help you feel sleepy but make you feel refreshed after a good night’s sleep. The colour orange does just that. 

Pale orange is the best option for choosing a shade for your bedroom. It gives off a neutral tone giving you the perfect balance between calmness and a spark of energy.


White is the most powerful colour. It makes even tiny rooms look big and spacious. It carries so much peace and tranquillity that is just looking at it makes you feel calm. It is the perfect colour for busy people throughout their day and wants to relieve their stress. Also, white for the entire house makes it look modern and polished compared to other colours.

Worst bedroom colours for sleep


Red represents energy and activity. Using this colour for your bedroom may not help you to sleep at all. Red may be more suitable for the kitchen or the living room, where most of the activity happens in the house.

Red also enhances your alertness which you may not want before sleeping. Although it is undoubtedly a beautiful colour, it is not suitable for your bedroom. It may keep you awake the whole night instead of making you feel sleepy.


Similar to red, purple is also a colour that enhances your activity level and boosts your creativity. It is one of the most mentally stimulating colours compared to all colours. This stimulation indicates that it may increase your creativity level and keep your mind awake for most of the night.


Compared to red and purple, brown may be aesthetically pleasing, but it is also a bit drab and dull. Brown also sparks a sense of restlessness within ourselves, which may not be the best feeling when preparing to sleep. It may also invoke sadness in some people, making you lose sleep instead.


According to Feng Shui, black can invoke a calm presence but invokes complicated feelings if not appropriately used. Black gives out feelings of negativity and sad emotions. It may also invoke fear and feelings of death. Although the black colour looks artistic in a house, it may not be suitable for the bedroom.

Neon Pink

Neon Pink sparks out a lot of energy. It can also be distracting enough for you to lose sleep. When we sleep, we do not want to get distracted by anything. Even with the lights out, neon pink is still visible enough for you to notice, which can make you less inclined to sleep. 

Tips on making a sleep-friendly bedroom for yourself

  • Install curtains that keep out the bright light from outside
  • Create white noise like a low humming fan to keep out all kinds of noise
  • Do not keep a television inside your room for distraction
  • Keep your phone away from your bed so that you will sleep without any distraction 


Blue, Yellow, Sage Green, Orange, and White each bring their unique vibe to a bedroom, influencing the quality of your rest in different ways. Blue, widely recognised as one of the best bedroom colours for sleep, has a calming effect that can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, making it ideal for inducing relaxation. On the other hand, Yellow, particularly in its softer shades, offers a gentle, cheerful warmth, contributing to a cozy and comforting sleep environment.

Sage Green, with its earthy, soothing tones, stands out among the colours that help you sleep. It brings the tranquility of nature right into your bedroom, creating a restful haven.

While vibrant Orange might be too stimulating for some, its softer shades like peach can add a warm, welcoming touch, perfect for unwinding at the end of the day.

Lastly, White is great for those who love a clean, minimalist look. It offers a peaceful and uncluttered space, ideal for relaxation, especially when complemented with warmer accents to add a sense of comfort.

In conclusion, choosing the right colours for sleep in your bedroom can significantly affect how well you rest at night. Whether it's the tranquility of blue, the cheerfulness of yellow, the grounding nature of sage green, the cozy warmth of orange, or the clean simplicity of white, each colour has the potential to transform your bedroom into a sleep-friendly space.

Remember, the best choices are the ones that resonate with your personal style and comfort, making your bedroom a perfect retreat for a good night's sleep.